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The Destiny Cards are Cosmic Simulators

Keep this in mind........

The deck of cards aka the destiny cards are merely 'training simulators'. Each and every card is an independently-developed module that is a part of a program (matrix). Hence, the cards you were dealt in life (birth cards) represent points of convergence in our solar system. Let us define 'convergence'.

con·ver·gence (kən-vûr′jəns) n. 1. The act, condition, quality, or fact of converging. 2. Mathematics The property or manner of approaching a limit, such as a point, line, function, or value. 3. The point of converging; a meeting place: a town at the convergence of two rivers. 4. Physiology The coordinated turning of the eyes inward to focus on an object at close range.

So, there we have it. The cards are gross, dense dark matter that is really focused dark energy that continues to overlap and condense upon itself (shuffle/quadration) in a set algorithm or cycle. We can liken this to the hydrogen atom of the periodic table. Since, hydrogen is the only negative ion on the table, then that would mean that every positive ionic element after it, is just a different variation or spin of the initial negative hydrogen atom. Now back to the lecture at hand.......

These personalized convergence points aka cards are stargate coordinates. They are beautifully architected input/output signals to travel within the various dimensions of our solar system/galaxy/universe. I will focus primarily on our solar system. A phenomenal question to ask yourself is, "Is there only one destined way to navigate this solar system?" Basically, do the playing cards reveal our destiny and is free will just an illusion? The answer is, yes, the playing cards reveal your destiny, but only the automated destiny of the spirit experiencing life in the 3rd dimension of this particular matrix. Yes, there is a deeper science to the destiny cards, but I will reserve that conversation for another time.

Now I will address the concept of idolatry. I highly recommend not to become obsessed with one particular card, as if you idolized it. This mindset will trap your spirit in stone and put a cap on your spiritual evolution. Try to remember that the entire deck is just a hologram of the universe. It isn't even real. They are just man-made guidelines to assist you in aligning to the code of this matrix. I am not going to say that they aren't beneficial because they are. I am here to remind you that there is a reason why 10 comes after 9 because everything always returns back to the source (0). That is the law of the bolon yokte k'uh (the 9 underworlds) aka spirit, fire, air, water, earth, hot, cold, wet, dry (5 elements + 4 qualities).

The deck of cards (tzolkin) will absolutely reveal what we know as 'destiny'. Other card 'readers' might tell you that our fate is not in our control and that this card means that or that card means this. I strongly advise you to steer clear of these types of people. Why? Let me explain......

You see, I can create a software program , such as Facebook, and prophecy that it's destiny is to connect millions of people over the internet. How is this possible? Because the application was designed for that exact purpose. So, every single code aka card that is programmed into this particular software is destined for this fated purpose. Any one of these 'coders' aka 'card readers' can predict what each microchip will do in the future and sell this prophecy back to the unaware, but does that make them psychic or just knowledgeable of the coded design? No, this just makes them the coders or hackers of that particular program.

The purpose of this blog is for you to become a 'user' so that you can customize your world, not to stay on default 'cpu' mode and continue being indoctrinated with other's philosophy that might not even be of your best interest. One of my core values is -- You are the God of your circumstance. I do not adhere to a set interpretation of any particular card. I define each card with an emphatic disclaimer, THIS IS 'MY' PERSPECTIVE AND IS NOT TO BE TAKEN AS THE ABSOLUTE VALUE OF THIS CARD. Although, I do promote each 'user' to define their own experience. The only thing I root each card's value to is the human body. So if the number, suit, face, etc. of whichever school of thought, that you are mathematically referencing, doesn't root itself to a bio-cosmological phenomena, then I don't prescribe to that school of thought.

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